Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files, often containing a unique and anonymous identification code, that are sent to your browser and stored on your hard drive. Specifically, when you visit our website, it sends a request to your computer to store these files in a designated section of your hard drive.

Through these tools, some of your information can be collected; they may include the date, time, and pages visited, as well as the time spent on our site.

Cookies can be categorized into first-party cookies and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are directly installed by us, while third-party cookies are installed by a party other than us.

Types of Cookies

Essential Cookies:

These are cookies active only for the reference session, allowing the temporary storage of information needed for navigating from one page to another, avoiding the need to enter them again. The use of these cookies is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of randomly generated numbers by the server) necessary to enable secure and efficient site navigation. The session cookies used on this site do not acquire your personal data.

Functional Cookies:

These cookies are used to store your customizations, and their use is strictly limited to the correct functioning of the website. They do not record any information that could be linked back to individual user visitors.

Analytical Cookies:

These are third-party cookies (Google Analytics) that calculate the aggregate number of visits to the site and identify the most popular parts of it. They track and collect data about your actions on our website, including, for example, IP address, browser used, preferences, date and time of access to the webpage, time spent on the site, and sites visited immediately before and after ours. This operation provides insights into site usage and allows appropriate interventions to enhance navigation.

Advertising Cookies:

These are third-party cookies that identify your preferences and record information about your visit to our website in order to study the market, even in an aggregated form, as well as to present targeted advertising.

Cookies Table

Cookie names Type of cookie First or Third party Can be blocked Session or Persistent Expiry Time Purpose

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